Monday 9 September 2013

Wandering Through Yet Another Day

Well hello there,
In my blog's description I promised art, thoughts and photographs. I realize I've mainly supplied you with the latter, so here you go:)

Today was a really good day. It had its ups and downs like any other, but without imperfection you don't get perfection. Without shadows there is no light, without some obnoxious comments, there is no relief when someone saves you from yet another one.

Something I've noticed about exceptionally good days, every time I have one, I was wearing an outfit which made me feel confident and like myself for three reasons:
It's colorful
It's comfortable
It's not conventional

A while ago, when I was having  trouble sleeping at night and was not feeling like a very happy person at all, I made up this recipe for happiness (ironic, I realize) Every time I get the blues, I try and tell myself these this is mainly a reminder to self:
-Wear an outfit you'll feel good in, something that makes you feel unique.
-Eat good food
-Drink lots of fluids (especially tea...I love tea.)
-Laugh any chance you get - especially at yourself. Laughing with/at yourself is something not everyone is able to do, but I'll tell you, it's a relief.

That's about it - oh! and the most important point:

-Surround yourself with good people. Simple as that. People you can laugh with, talk to and even just sit in silence with.

I think by now you've gotten to know a valuable part of my being: I love lists.Today I also listened to the Beatles (Abbey Road album) over and over again and let Magritte's fabulous artwork inspire me and decided to do my own version of his piece The Dominion of Light with watercolors. Please forgive the horrible phone quality, and the not so great quality of my work - it took me about 20 minutes!:)
-Hasta luego!

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Light, light, light...


I also really love doing lighting tests of all kinds with my SLR camera. (digital) Playing around with the shutter speed and aperture in ways that I wouldn't normally (while doing street photography for example) leads to wonderful new prospects. 

I don't edit or photoshop my pictures in any way...I just like seeing what 'naturally' happens.

I always do these tests indoors because that way I can control the lighting situations much more than outside...

This one is basically a double exposure photograph, I figured out a way in which I can get an almost ghost like effect two years ago and have been playing around with it ever since. 

I just love the mystery in this picture, it has an almost eerie feel to it...

Monday 2 September 2013

The seasons as I see them - Austria - Photography

First post...what to write, what to write...

I guess I'll simply get straight into it, I love all things to do with 'art'. I respect creativity in all its glorious forms and hope I can share some of my own artwork on here.

I know I'm most likely just talking to myself, but I'll give a little background info about me (call me Maggie!) anyway:
I've lived in lots of different places before ending up in Vienna - and I think I will live in many more. I'm in the process of finding my way in this crazy world, and art is what makes me feel calm and genuinely happy.

Here's some of my recent photography! (taken with various cameras both analogue and digital)

New Year's Fireworks